
Showing posts from 2013

Remembering Zane

On September 24 it will be one year since Zane left this life. It is easier for me to talk about him now as I have come to accept the Lord's will concerning his passing. Strange how the mind will just think of a little thought during each day about him or the event of last year. That was a difficult experience, but we made it through.  I give credit to God for giving me the strength to move forward and to my faith that gives me hope of seeing him in the next life. I am grateful that years ago Dale and I traveled to see Zane graduate from the Air Force Basic Training. He was so happy to be finished with that! He had a bright future and a creative mind. I am proud to call him my son and pray that his family is  living a happy life.

July fourth

Having fun outside.

Enjoying the Rexburg Carrousel.

I love simmertime!

In Oregon with gson Holdem

May 2013

Rexburg Carrousel




The flowers coming in bloom 2013.

Low maintenance front yard. Thats what I like!

Garden 2013


Garden 2013




Garden 2013


This says it all!

My garden 2013

Lazy summer day

Grandson kimbal enjoying a day off.
It has been way too long since I posted anything on my blog so since I have a few minutes, I will end my day with an update. It has been since Dec 2012 that I entered anything. With the passing of my son Zane, I just haven't felt much like writing. I have been cleaning an decluttering a lot in our home office and I came across a cute picture of Zane when he was about 3. Zane's son Odin is about that same age and they look so similar. As soon as I get the scanner hooked up, I'll post that photo. I am working through the healing process slowly and steady. What a difficult time we had with all that happened in Virginia last September. Zane's birthday was March 3rd. He would have been 32. He was really good at computer programming and we missed his talents as we struggled to hook up a new tower to replace our old outdated one. I think Zane was looking down on us chuckling at our frustration! Dale and I miss talking to Zane. His family seem to be doing OK even though his wi...