
Showing posts from May, 2010

Almost There. . .

We're at $2995 left to pay on our home. W00Hoo! Just had to share that. :) Target date is June 23. We've been so blessed to be able to work on this goal.

Miss Ruby Sue Update

Lori was interviewed on a local radio program AM Idaho 590. Click here and go on the right side to where it says May 27 audio. Miss Ruby Sue talks about color. Open up with Internet Explorer to get the audio to work. Have a fun day!

Farewell . . .

Here's our last ride in the 1988 Aerostar Van we have had since 1993. We were going to sell it but then a young couple in school approached us about it and Dale decided we should just give it to them. Dale is fixing up the door panel. It was a good van thanks to the maintenance of Dale, Mr. Mechanic. The van that we paid $4700 for in 1993. It served us well. I hope it does the same for the next family.

New Daughter?

Introducing my new daughter Miss Ruby Sue (alias Lori). I really like the photo (it's cute) and the color contrast of red and green. I don't think I could wear red hair like that but you go girl- you can get away with it! Keep up the good work with the hairpieces!

Yellow Snow

Droopy morning tulips Afternoon tulips. Snow melted. . . So fun to live in Rexburg.

Mother's Day Decorations

Rilee, Lori, and Madison Three generations. I forgot to put a headband on! Ahhhh. So cute!

Variations of Rilee

I was at Lori's for a Mother's Day dinnerand we had to take some pictures. We stepped outside and this is one I liked. . . I liked the way her eyes smiled. Rilee is just about as tall as I am Of course, that's not saying much but she'll surpass me very soon. Soft glow. . . Lori, the hair assessories are so fun! You go girl!

Inspirational Mother

I met his little lady was at the Sharing Stations at the Women's Conference in Provo. Her name was Beth Packard Walker and she had 13 children! Well, that isn't the last of the story... she now has 84 grandchildren and 267 great-grandchildren! Of her family, 195 have been on missions! Wow! She was so fun to talk to. I asked her what she does for giving gifts at Christmas. She said she writes a chapter in her life and copies it off for everyone. Beth is in the process of writing a book to be published at the BYU print press called, "No Greater Joy." Their family also has a huge reunion every year. Families are a lot of work and boy, she deserves a break but she never takes one! She reminded me of my own mother... happy, grateful to have her family, and always busy.

Women's Conference

Last week I went to Women's Conference at BYU. I had a nice time staying with my friend Rhonda along with two other ladies. She was kind enough to let us stay at her home in Provo and opened up her kitchen to us too. The conference workshops were wonderful and it made me want to attend our own Education Week here in Rexburg. Here we are all together Rhonda, Irish from Texas, me, and Rita from Texas. It was so fun to enjoy two days with friends.