
Showing posts from April, 2009

30 Years of Service

Woah, that's a long time to work at one job nowadays. In this picture, Dale is talking about how long it will be until he retires: 1 year and 5 months. I think he is happy about that. Dale got the razing about wearing a nice shirt and tie. A lot of the other guys just came casual to the dinner. He looked great in it but only dressed up at my request. (He looks great in this color in my opinion!) Dale is here with his supervisor Eric who mentioned how Dale reminds him of his father...same haircut. :-) The dinner was great as the University Catering does so well: roast beef, chicken, salad, fruit salad, green beans almondine, and desserts. I enjoyed it because I didn't have to do the cooking! Thanks Dale, for all your years of hard work to support our family.
Our flowers survived the snow that surrounded them. I love the purple color. Pretty soon we'll have daffodils. After that the tulips bloom. I think they call that "layered" flower bed.

Ditchin Fire

This is what we look forward to each year- burning the ditch behind our house. We had a day without wind so Dale decided to take the torch to the ditch. I like it when he does that because first of all, it smells like barbecue and second of all it looks tons better when it is done. I think it reminds him of when he played with fire as a child and at that time he got in a heap of trouble...his dad called the fire chief on him and they had a "talk!"

A Hunting We Will Go

The race begins for the Easter eggs! Here we have Lori on the left, Holdem, Jenna, and Cole with Madison in the background. It was so nice to have them all here for our gathering on the Saturday before Easter. Rilee, Faye and Zane chasing after the next egg. Holdem had his daddy Cole helping him collect most of the eggs. Cole calls Holdem his "Little Man." Here's the gang. Zane's wife Victoria is not pictured. She wasn't feeling well and was in the house. For some reason, we all like to hunt for eggs. It's even more fun with the grandchildren helping. I hope you all had a nice Easter.

Hard Rock Cafegg

This Easter egg is about 3 years old. I think it was Madison who decided back then to hide the Easter eggs downstairs in the family room...well, this one wasn't found until a year later and by then is was petrified! I know what you're stinkiness either! The mean bunny in the background is Dale's bunny basket I fill each year. This time it has mostly plastic grass in it though, and his little stash of the good ol' jelly beans.

Meet Mississippi

No, this is Madison, my granddaughter. I met with Lori's family at Porter Park after Gen. Conference. I was amazed at how many people and children were there! Here's Kyler climbing the big toy. He is 4 but he does a lot of things his big brother Kimball does. This is Mississippi...He's a turtle we met at Porter Park. A couple college students were out with their pet turtles and they let us hold them and take pictures. Kyler was fascinated. This has got to be the first time in my life I've ever held a live turtle. We had them as pets when I was a child but mine were only 2 inches big and I made a point of never touching them. They had icky odors (probably since we didn't clean the cages much) and we fed them raw hamburger. They liked that a lot. I was afraid I would drop the little thing but it didn't move much so I didn't get creeped out. Besides the two turtles (one was named Alabama who is not shown, and this one Mississippi), we saw about 6 dogs, 50 c...

Where's the Ham?

I figured out the "empty nesters" way to color eggs for Easter. Take a pan of simmering water. Cook eggs about 15 minutes. Don't drain the water... Add about 1/2 c vinegar to the water along with about 1/2 tsp of food coloring. Let sit about 30 minutes. Wallah! This egg did something funky and artistic with the dye! I like it! Now just peel one when you need a protein for your meal or better yet, make deviled eggs (and don't worry about the ham!). Next time I'll try making pink eggs.


Zane and family stopped by on Saturday. Faye, his cute daughter, needed a photo for a picture button I gave her so we quickly snapped this. My hoody actually says "BYU-I" in case you were wondering. :-)

Purple Peeps

Friday this is what happened outside. We had a snow storm that dropped about 3 inches of wet, clean snow. Of course, I had to get out and clear the driveway and by afternoon, it had all melted! The little purple crocus flowers were peeping out from the snow. Just like all of us in Rexburg...we just carry on in spite of the amazing whiteness that surrounds us.

Crockin Around the Block

My great crock pot from my familyf or last year's Mother's Day. The prob works great for cooking the pork to the right temperature without drying it out. Finished product: 4 oz pork, 4 oz potato, 8 oz salad, 1 c waldorf salad, 2 T ranch, 1/2 c SF jello. Great meal to eat after fasting!

Our Seedlings

The broccoli has sprouted! We planted on Saturday and they came up Tuesday. I guess they're anxious for spring too. We hope the tomato seeds will follow the lead.

Spring in the Kitchen

It's that time again, spring in the kitchen (even tho it might not be OUTSIDE!). We planted tomatoes, cabbage, broccoli, and squash. Last year we had a wonderful crop of spaghetti squash and that is so good to put in a cool storage room. We still have some from last summer waiting to be eaten. Dale and I worked together to get the seeds in their proper place. I ordered some early hybrid tomato seeds from a company so I hope they grow well. I paid $3 for 1/8th of a gram! Those seeds were pretty tiny, but maybe I can sell some starts and get a return on my investment. We still have more to plant. We ran out of paper cups!

Express Yourself

Here's the Express shirt I found. My students at school tease me and say I'm the DI Diva!